Vanilla Beans Grade A: All-Purpose Beans


If you are making an online purchase of vanilla beans, you will find the two labels: Vanilla beans Grade A and Grade B. And in both grades, you will find varieties like Madagascar, Tahitian, Bourbon, etc. You will definitely feel perplexed if you are buying the vanilla beans for the first time. So, let’s allay your confusion by uncovering some important facts about these grades of beans.

Grade A vanilla Beans: These beans are rated as prime or gourmet vanilla beans as they have no blemishes, they are high on moisture content and easy to incorporate in number of recipes. The Grade A beans of different varieties have moisture content as high as 35% and are dark brown in color with hints of red. Some beans are further categorized into Grade A-1 and Grade A-2 beans. The only difference between A-1 and A-2 beans is the presence of moisture content. The former category has moisture content over 30% whereas the latter has maximum 30% moisture content.  Due to high moisture content, they have soft texture. These beans are high on smell and taste due to the presence of natural compound, vanillin, in larger quantities. These beans are all-purpose beans i.e. one can use them both in cooking and for flavoring purposes. Due to high-quality and versatility, they are expensive than Grade B beans.

Grade B Beans: These beans do not carry as much as water as Grade A vanilla beans due to which they have reddish-black appearance. Their moisture content lies in between 15-25%. The Grade B beans are highly concentrated, therefore they are ideal to use for making vanilla extract. Owing to their limited use and extremely dry nature, they are easily available and even less expensive.

Both the beans have different uses and different textures. So, it is advisable to purchase the beans as per your requirements. If you want to add vanilla flavor in your cooking, Vanilla beans Grade A are ideal to purchase. You can easily purchase different kinds of Grade A beans from the online suppliers at affordable rates. Simply specify them your requirements and make the online payment and they will deliver the beans at your doorsteps in a few days.


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