Add Healthy and Flavorful Vanilla Bean Powder in Baked Dishes


It is a fact that real and Grade A vanilla enhances the aromatic flavour of the recipes in which it is added. This makes it the second most expensive spice in the world after saffron. But do you really think that vanilla beans are added in recipes for flavour purpose only? The answer is No. It is one of the spices, which is a storehouse of essential nutrients and vitamins. This is the main reason people buy vanilla bean pods in large quantities and prepare homemade Vanilla bean powder and vanilla extract for adding in various dishes.

Health Benefits of Consuming Vanilla

This flavourful spice is added not only in desserts but in an array of sweet drinks as well for flavouring purposes. The health benefits of consuming vanilla in small quantity on a regular basis are as follows:

  1. The vanilla extract comprises simple and complex sugars, vitamins, minerals and essential oils.
  2. Vanilin is the main chemical component of vanilla bean powder and vanilla beans that impart flavor to dishes. This chemical component comprises aromatic carbohydrates and many other essential compounds that promotes overall well-being of an individual.
  3. Many people believe in adding vanilla in drinks due to its aphrodisiac effects.
  4. The vanilla bean extracts contain small amount of vitamin – B such as pantothenic acid, riboflavin, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, etc. These vitamins help in smooth functioning of the nervous system of the body, regulate body metabolism and help in enzyme synthesis also.
  5. The vanilla spice even contains small traces of calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, iron and zinc. All these minerals play a vital role in maintaining healthy heart and promoting overall health.

All these benefits are obtained when you use vanilla beans in a natural form. For instance, adding seeds directly to any dish or preparing homemade vanilla bean powder and extract and using in desserts is better than going for ready-made products. The powder and extracts are available in the marketplace also but they contain added preservatives and sugar also that nullify the good effects of vanilla beans. Thus, if you want to make healthy choices for your lifestyle, buy high-quality vanilla beans online and prepare powder and extract at home only.


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